Senior Hair Care
Precision Haircuts, premium colouring, and perms! We provide all your senior hair care solutions in Oakville and surrounding areas.
Why Choose Us
At Senior Necessities, all of our mobile senior hair care services are personally tailored to suit your facial features and hair texture. After each client, all combs and brushes are washed thoroughly with an antibacterial soap. For best results, Senior Necessities uses only professional colours and perms. Contact Us today to get started!

Mobile Hair Care Services

Hair Cuts and Styling
Tidy up your existing hairstyle or change your look with a new haircut from Senior Necessities. We make it easy for seniors to have full hair care services in their own home by bringing all the equipment and using a portable shampoo tray. Certainly, our senior hair care professionals will bring your vision to life, wherever you may be.

Hair Colouring
When choosing a hair colour, it is always important to choose a colour that suits your skin tone. If you have had your colours done, and you know what season you are (spring, summer, winter, or fall), this always makes the decision much easier. Also, if you are happy with your current colour, matching it with a brand that Senior Necessities uses will be effortless.
At Senior Necessities, we make the required time available to consult with you regarding your hair colouring needs in your home. We will never proceed with colour until you are completely confident with your decision.

Is your hair limp, lifeless, thinning? Do your hairstyles stay in from visit to visit? At Senior Necessities, we only give soft, bouncy and firm curls. We do not do test curls, we assess the time that the perm solution should stay on the hair by the texture, elasticity, and thickness of your hair. Senior Necessities realizes that each client’s’ needs are unique to them. We do not apply one formula for all of our valued clients. We’ll never leave you with a fuzzy, frizzy perm, or a perm without bounce or curl. We will leave you feeling like you have more easily managed hair and added volume. Senior Necessities will take the time to assist you on the proper care and steps required when caring for your own hair. Additionaly, we do all of our senior hair care from the comfort of your home.